Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Worship Song

Farther shall I go,
I cannot linger here.
Thy love compels me on,
I come to be with Thee.

Thy Spirit draws me on
To heights and depths in Thee:
Thyself, O God, the goal,
Thy presence all my plea.

With nothing in my hands
I come before Thy throne,
All self-will cast aside,
To learn of Thee alone.

Sergio Valori

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A New View

My eyes have seen such beauty
I have pictures of these views
of lakes and mountains framed in ferns all summer long
and then in white when winter sweeps its crystal whiteness there

I have albums full of baby faces — laughing, sleeping, lashes long
for life has beauty everywhere
But all of these cannot compare to what is finally in view...

My pictures missed a color
never mixed on a palette
I've missed a shape no bended branch has ever sketched
I'd never before seen this depth, nor height
nor sheer intensity of Light
nor anything like this new sky:
Jesus, you have caught my eye.

— Hettie Brittz (May 2010)

Posted with permission.